Le Tour comes to God’s own county, Yorkshire!

How it comes to pass that the Tour starts in Leeds is a little beyond me, but with the worlds greatest cycle race passing the front door we had to take part.  The weather forecast is bleak, but in the best tradition of weather forecasters being wrong, the sun shone and shone.

These fellas probably had the best view of the county, but they aint never gona see anything travelling at that speed.

IMG_4180We got into trouble for this, why? I have no idea.  Them there officials in their fluro vests for the event thought it was dangerous to hang bikes from trees, despite one of their number admitting to hanging bikes from trees when he was a yoof, yup a fluro vested official admitted to understanding as he had in the past done the same himself!

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I thought we might get close but didn’t quite expect we would get roadside at our chosen location

IMG_4215 IMG_4208Once the small matter of a bike race had passed we occupied ourselves

IMG_4261IMG_4259A carefully planned route took in the best trails on a route home, via a few pubs

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