River Divas on the Kent

The Kent – 15.01.06. Den – you will do as I tell you Three of the ladies employed Dennis of Kayakojacko for the weekend to go through some river and boating skills, after spending day one on the Tees it was off to the Kent for more practice and coaching. Although it had been raining in …

Austria 2005

Austria 2005 I found myself in a difficult position and one I was certainly not used to.There was a paddling trip in progress and for the first time in the last three years I was not on it. Three cars had left for Austria on the Friday and I was at Teesside, having fun, but …

Ottawa 2005

Ottawa River  – Canada – September 2005 The Ottawa in Eastern Canada provides some big, warm, white water action.A bunch of us headed over there at the beginning of September. Landing in the evening at Toronto airport we phoned our car rental company and they came along and picked us up in the 7-seater minivan we …

One Rapid, Zambezi 2004

Upper Moemba, Zambezi 2004 Day three of our trip down the Zambezi culminates for some at Moemba Falls a 15 m drop into a maelstrom of white water, for those not so inclined the last rapid is Upper Moemba, by comparison an insignificant rapid, it does however present its own problems, ones which last year …

Turkey 2005

In Search of Manby – Turkey June 2005    The trip started out as a post on the Club Forum back in October 2004, initially about a dozen people expressed interest but, when it came to the crunch only four signed on the dotted line and stumped up the cash. The Coruh is regarded by some …

White Nile 2004

The White Nile Uganda March 14th to 24th  The world’s longest river the Nile flows from Lake Victoria in Uganda, the official source is Owens Falls Dam, Jinja. Staying a few miles downstream from here with Nile River Explorers our campsite looked down on the first major rapids, Rib Cage, The Hump and Bujagali Falls. Karine …