Upper Orosi

We scrapped down the run in to this first rapid, but when the river steepens and tightens up, that low flow makes for perfect conditions for this Italien like run. Coming round the corner we were greeted by this view, where to go?  Initially I took us left, but Mike spied a route river right …

Catarata Poza Azul

Leave your camera with native Costa Rican and this is the sort of shot you can expect to find on your memory card when you return. Luckily Juan Carlos also took some pictures of us falling off the Catarata Poza Azul, the blue pool waterfall! The Poza Azul is a trib of the Lower Sarapiqui. …

Death of a River

The Coruh River in Eastern Turkey is being dammed; this is the last year it will be running as one of the classic white water runs of the world. At least that is what some would have you believe. The reality is that although dams are being built at various points along it's course the …

Fionn’s Big Day Out

Fionn woke, bleary eyed, yawn, brilliant its Saturday, a lie in, he stretched and rolled over. There was an almighty thump and suddenly Fionn was wide awake, what was going on, 7.00 OCLOCK, BUT ITS SATURDAY he protested, what was Orna doing getting him up so early on a Saturday morning, Bah! He spat out. …

One Step Beyond

Pain, drained, numb, dry, arid, desperate, living at the edge, barren, wasted, mind games, thoughts of the past and future, devils on the shoulder, monkey mind, plodding, plodding, muscles tight, the beaten down, hopeless, hungry, despair.  Ankle deep in human faeces we load the last jeep in Beni hoping to get out of town before …

Rock, Paper, Scissors

How do you decide who is going to run a rapid first? I am sat in an eddy playing, rock, paper, scissors with Driller, it seems to be a sensible way of working out who is going to run the penultimate drop on the Gronda, falling onto rock, this is a must make boof. To …

Scotland, Easter 09

Once again we head north, hoping for some water, the signs are not good and banter on UK Rivers indicates that previous Easters have been dry as a dry place, however…… The Allt Kinglass, a trib of the Orchy provides an entertaining if a little short run, on this drop when you think you are …

The Moment

I wrote The Moment on Tuesday the 17th of March 2009. I played with the words for a couple of days, sent it out to three people for some feedback and then finalised it in the form you see below on Thursday 19th March. I have used kayaking as my medium for conveying ‘The Moment’, …

TFI Tuesday

Described as short kilometre, the Gamlan  is a trib of the Mawdach, joining that river by public toilet falls, its steep and fast, I watched the boys on their first run down and  couldn’t keep up on the bank. Joining them for their second run I broke in, made a draw stroke to line up …

TFI Friday

I closed the guide book quickly, sometimes the guide books can be superfluous, this was such an occassion.  Stevie looked over asking what the guidebook said, “you don’t want to know” I replied.  Daz assured us that it was all good! The entry in the guide book is short, with the initial river description described …